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Uterine Fibroid Surgery

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    What are Uterine fibroids?

    Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas or myomas, are growths consisting of muscle and tissue that develop in or on the uterine wall. It might also develop in the fallopian tubes, cervix, or surrounding tissues near the uterus. These growths are the most frequent noncancerous (benign) tumor in women, and they almost never become cancerous. Uterine fibroids tend to be prevalent between the ages of 30 and the onset of menopause. Following menopause, they often undergo a reduction in size. The term leiomyosarcoma refers to a malignant fibroid. It is not more likely to develop a leiomyosarcoma if you already have fibroids. Fibroids are a prevalent form of growth, affecting around 40–80% of females.

    Fibroids have the potential to form either as clusters or as individual nodules. These clusters can vary significantly in diameter, ranging from as small as 1 millimeter to over 20 centimeters (8 inches) or even larger. Similarly, fibroids themselves can vary in size, ranging from as tiny as a seed to as large as a watermelon. These growths may develop on the exterior surface of the uterus, inside the main uterine cavity, or within the uterine wall.

    A large-growing fibroid has the potential to deform the uterus both internally and externally. Certain fibroids can enlarge to the point where they fill the stomach or pelvis, in severe situations a person may appear pregnant. Uterine fibroids affect a lot of people at some point in their lives. However, since they frequently don't create any symptoms, patients might not be aware of it.

    Types of Uterine fibroids

    Uterine fibroids can be classified into many categories based on their location and mode of attachment. Particular varieties of uterine fibroids consist of:

    • Intramural fibroids: These fibroids are situated within the muscular wall of the uterus and are the most prevalent type.
    • Submucosal fibroids: These fibroids develop beneath the inner lining of the uterus.
    • Subserosal fibroids: This fibroid grows beneath the outer lining of the uterus and can expand significantly, extending into the pelvic area.
    • Pedunculated fibroids: Among the less common types, these fibroids are attached to the uterus by a stalk or stem. Due to the fact that they have a stalk and a broader top, they are frequently compared to mushrooms.


    The majority of tiny fibroids are asymptomatic and don’t require treatment other than routine monitoring. Patient may experience a range of symptoms from larger fibroids, such as:

    • Excessive bleeding during periods
    • Prolonged periods
    • Painful periods
    • Bloating
    • Lower backache or leg pain
    • Constipation
    • Pressure on rectum
    • Frequent urination
    • Pain during sexual intercourse or dyspareunia
    • Persistent vaginal discharge

    Symptoms related to uterine fibroids generally stabilize or diminish post-menopause due to a decrease in hormone levels of the body.

    When and how to identify you need a treatment?

    If someone is experiencing a variety of symptoms that are mentioned below, then there may be a need for treatment.

    • Excessive bleeding during periods
    • Prolonged and painful periods
    • Bloating
    • Lower backache or leg pain
    • Constipation
    • Pressure on rectum
    • Frequent urination
    • Pain during sexual intercourse or dyspareunia
    • Persistent vaginal discharge


    Uterine fibroids surgical treatment is not always necessary until they result in uncomfortable symptoms or consequences. 

    The following surgical procedures are used for the treatment of uterine fibroids:

    • Hysteroscopy: It is a type of fibroid removal technique that works by removing the fibroid growing inside the uterus.
    • Endometrial ablation: Sometimes, fibroids-related severe bleeding is treated by using this technique. It functions best when the fibroids are little. It often stops menstruation completely.
    • Uterine fibroid embolization: Also known as fibroid embolization, this process causes the fibroid to shrink and eventually die, by cutting off its blood supply. If someone wants to undergo surgery and has no intention of getting pregnant, this can be a preferable choice.
    • Myomectomy: This is a type of fibroid removal surgery which aims to preserve healthy tissue. If a patient wants to get pregnant in the future, this might be the best option. Myomectomy can be performed in a variety of techniques, including laparoscopy and major abdominal surgery.
    • Hysterectomy or uterus removal: The uterus is entirely removed during this procedure. It might be an option if the patient is unable to have any other treatments, medications are ineffective, and does not want children.
    • Myolysis: Usually with laparoscopic guidance, a needle is placed into the fibroids and freezing, or electric current is used to eliminate the fibroids.
    • Tubectomy: It is also known as tubal ligation. It is a highly successful surgical treatment for contraception. In order to stop sperm from fertilizing eggs, it entails cutting, blocking or sealing off fallopian tubes. During this surgery, fallopian tubes are either blocked using a clamp, clip, or band, or they are cut and tied with a specific thread (suture).

    Treatment options at TaCa

    TaCa offers several treatment options as per the need and condition of the patient. When surgery becomes necessary for treating uterine fibroids, then doctor might explore the following options:

    • Hysteroscopy: It is a type of fibroid removal technique that works by removing the fibroid growing inside the uterus.
    • Endometrial ablation: Sometimes, fibroids-related severe bleeding is treated by using this technique. It functions best when the fibroids are little. It often stops menstruation completely.
    • Uterine fibroid embolization: Also known as fibroid embolization, this process causes the fibroid to shrink and eventually die, by cutting off its blood supply. If someone wants to undergo surgery and has no intention of getting pregnant, this can be a preferable choice.
    • Myomectomy: This is a type of fibroid removal surgery which aims to preserve healthy tissue. If a patient wants to get pregnant in the future, this might be the best option. Myomectomy can be performed in a variety of techniques, including laparoscopy and major abdominal surgery.
    • Hysterectomy or uterus removal: The uterus is entirely removed during this procedure. It might be an option if the patient is unable to have any other treatments, medications are ineffective, and does not want children.
    • Myolysis: Usually with laparoscopic guidance, a needle is placed into the fibroids and freezing, or electric current is used to eliminate the fibroids.
    • Tubectomy: It is also known as tubal ligation. It is a highly successful surgical treatment for contraception. In order to stop sperm from fertilizing eggs, it entails cutting, blocking or sealing off fallopian tubes. During this surgery, fallopian tubes are either blocked using a clamp, clip, or band, or they are cut and tied with a specific thread (suture).

    Cost of treatment at TaCa

    TaCa strives to provide top-notch healthcare services at affordable rates, ensuring accessibility for all. TaCa strongly advocates that minimizing preventable hospital admissions is both a moral obligation and a cost-efficient method for ensuring fair and accessible healthcare. We aim to deliver high-quality surgical care conveniently located near individuals. Collaborating with specialized physicians and healthcare partners, TaCa implements proven innovations and best practices to enhance patient care. Below mentioned are some of the benefits which TaCa is offering to the patients:

    • Free Doctor Consultation
    • Highly Experienced Surgeons
    • No Cost EMI
    • Pick and Drop Service
    • Dedicated Assistance by TaCa Dost
    • Affordable Cost
    • Short Hospital Duration
    • Hassle Free Insurance Support
    • Extensive Hospital Network
    • Surgery Near to Your Location

    Care by TaCa–After treatment

    Post-surgery care initiates right after surgery, extending throughout hospital stay and potentially continuing post-discharge. As an integral aspect of post-operative care TaCa handholds the patients and also helps them in getting free follow-up visits with surgeons, so that it may not be a hassle for them after surgery.

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      FAQ Front
      Uterine Fibroid Surgery

      If any level of pelvic discomfort happens, always visit a doctor or gynecologist.

      Pain from fibroids might decrease post-menopause, yet complete relief may not occur. Opting for surgery to remove fibroids generally provides relief shortly after surgery.

      Acupuncture has shown potential in alleviating fibroid-related pain. It's also considered an effective therapy for managing irregular bleeding and painful menstrual cramps.

      Over-the-counter medications and home remedies could potentially help alleviate symptoms, particularly if they are mild and do not significantly have an impact on daily activities.

      TaCa is having a team of skilled or good surgeons that are important because they know the significance of determining when surgery is necessary and when it's not. They recognize that the decision-making process holds more significance than the surgical procedure itself. Ultimately, the aim of any surgery is to serve the patient's well-being.

      The majority of uterine fibroids aren't severe, but common complications include:

      • Unbearable pain
      • Abdominal or pelvic swelling
      • Heavy bleeding
      • Twisting of the fibroid: This may result in clogged blood arteries supplying the tumor need to have surgery right away
      • Anemia caused by excessive menstrual bleeding.
      • Infertility (in rare cases)
      • Urinary tract infection

      There's a slight chance that fibroids will cause issues in pregnant women:

      • Labor does not proceed as expected.
      • The baby is in a breech position, which is not favorable for a vaginal delivery.
      • Preterm delivery.
      • In cases where the fibroids obstruct the birth canal or place the infant in a dangerous position, a caesarean or C-section is necessary.
      • Heavy bleeding right after giving birth.

      Several factors are there which are responsible for the cost of uterine fibroid treatment:

      • Type and severity of uterine fibroids
      • Type of surgery performed
      • Hospital’s type and location 
      • Anesthesiologist fee
      • Medication cost
      • Cost of diagnostic tests

      Most women feel better within the first week after surgery, however, do not lift, push or pull any heavy objects for a few weeks. Do not resume sexual intercourse without doctor’s advice. In complete healing, it may usually take about 4–6 weeks.

      The recurrence rate of uterine fibroids can vary among individuals, but usually it’s higher in those that have undergone surgery for multiple uterine fibroids.